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I had a relatively late start to ballet and have constantly pushed myself to grow in this technique. I brought this mentality with me as I entered ballet at Loyola, and I've learned some valuable lessons about myself and my artistry along the way.

To begin, Ballet IV helped me gain confidence in my ballet technique. The coursework also pushed me to be more exploratory and free in ballet, and I was able to integrate the use of my port de bras and epaulement into the movement.

Ballet V has pushed me physically and mentally in all the right ways. Every day, I feel myself grow stronger, more artistic, and more technical. I used to strain my mind to remember ballet combinations, but now they come more naturally to me. I used to stress about each and every step, but now I am finding more moments of breath.

Sometimes, I still have bad days. I will talk negatively to myself, feel incapable, struggle with my body image, and put too much pressure on myself, but I have overall evolved as a ballet dancer at Loyola.

Ballet V has also pushed me to think critically about the institutional system of ballet, as I have learned ways to decolonize the codified practice through social justice.

Overall, my training has allowed me to feel more grounded in my movement, and although complex, my relationship with ballet has benefitted me in countless ways. My new goals are to be more musical and take each class as if it were a performance. 


Pointe was not strongly incorporated into my dance training as I grew up, and it is the technique I am the least comfortable with. However, at Loyola, I have gained confidence in myself as a pointe dancer.

I had a rough start to the class, as I suffered from ingrown toenails and had to undergo multiple procedures to correct the issue. However, once I got back on my 'toes,' I enjoyed the chance to continue to push myself in this technique. Pointe truly unveiled where I needed to generate more strength, and it helps me catch places of instability that I sometimes overlooked. It helped improve my ballet technique, and I enjoy getting to push myself in this class and getting the opportunity to perform. 


I have always felt rooted in modern technique, as I love the groundedness and strength it generates. At Loyola, I have truly benefited from the variety of modern classes offered. In Modern II, I enjoyed learning the Humphrey technique. For me, it was a new way to move, and I embraced the skill of incorporating my breath into the movement and learning to take more risks through fall and recovery. Through this class, I was able to understand the Limon technique when learning Missa Brevis, and much of the movement came naturally to me.

 Modern III was a great challenge. I thoroughly enjoyed Sarah’s postmodernism, as it demanded a level of physicality and flow I have always wanted to discover. Additionally, the Graham technique taught me about the capabilities of the human body. It is so intrinsic and intentional, and Graham's motivations constantly reinforce my love for this art form. I feel extremely fortunate to have taken class under Blakeley-White McGuire. In each class, I was pushed to explore the intricacies of the Graham technique, and Blakeley’s pedagogical methods were enlightening. I relate strongly to modern dance because of its emphasis on humanism, and this is something I value highly.


Ballet IV Informance 2020

TN Governor's School of the Arts 2018
Ballet pic.jpg
TN Governor's School of the Arts 2018

Clip of Pointe I Informance 2020

TN Governor's School of the Arts 2018
Modern III 2021


Jazz was such an exciting and new experience for me, as I had never taken a jazz technique class before. Whether it was exploring the parallel position or staying completely grounded in plie, this course helped me access many unfamiliar yet joyous positions and movements.

I have enjoyed the challenge of learning a new technique, and I have found freedom and elation in the particular movement style. My body speaks to jazz, and I look forward to further exploration in this technique.

Nevertheless, She Persisted 2021
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